Major Projects of Third Year Diploma !

Hello guys,
As our last year starts, we have a task called as MAJOR PROJECT. For some students, sometimes major project becomes a nightmare for them. Our major project which was "Smart Travel Automated Vehicle" which was a nightmare for me also. Me and my group was very tensed about completing our major project. We made so many mistakes before building our project but somehow completed it before the deadline. So today in this post we will be discussing about what were the mistakes which were faced by us during building our major project and how you can avoid it. 

About me:
So I am SHANTANU JAIN, people also call me chotu as my nickname name and I am pursuing my diploma from Computer Engineering. I was a computer enthusiast from my childhood. When I am not working on open source project, I am working as Freelancer. If you have any project for me to work on, I would be more than happy. 

Coming back to topic:
Major projects are for all branches such as Computer, Mechanical, Civil, ENTC, IT, etc. But the format of making the project remains same in all branches.Our Project was "Smart travel Automated Vehicle" which was based on IoT and Computer Vision. It was a car cum device which can be mounted on electric vehicle and vehicle would drive without much human interaction. It was a Automatic car of level 3 which used the same technology which is been used by Tesla. If you want to learn more about our project, you can  read about our project in the link given below:- 

We completed our project with almost all our features.

So what is major project: -
Major project is a project which combines the knowledge of all the subjects which is best knwn to you, either it can be Java,Python, Database Management, Digital Techniques, Electronics,Android, Mechanics, Mathematics,etc.
You can make a project by either combining all these subject, or from a subject which you know very well. Just remember that before selecting a topic for your major project, the basics of the technology should be clear to you. Major project is of total 150 marks, from which 50 marks are for proposal and 100 marks are for your project and final report. 


Mistakes which were countered by students during their major project was:
1. No proper planning :- 
2. No team meeting of all team members
3. Lack of technical support
4. Less financial support
5. Lot of wastage of time on GUI of project.
6. No prior knowledge of technology.
7. No contact with Senior Friend that will guide them

How to encounter those mistakes:

 1. Project Team:
Make a good project team. Your project team should consist of at least 2 technical persons, and at least one good communicator and speaker. and one non-technical person who knows how to use MS Word, PowerPoint,etc

 Perseverance is the most important thing in your project. You should be consistent in your project work which will help you to complete your project within timeline.

 Plan your project schedule before starting your project. Proper planning will definitely help you to complete the decided features of project. Below is schedule that how to your planned schedule should look like:

    Week 1: Individual Searching about Topic which interests you and your teammates most. Each team member should come up with at least 2 project ideas. Search your topic on basis of:
                    1. Priority of Knowledge.                    
                    2. Is it financial stable.
                    3. Does project idea exists in market, if yes then search for one premium features which                             makes your project different
                    4. Any technical expert which knows about that technology domain that you are using

    Week 2-3: Finalizing your topic. It is necessary that all team members should meet compulsorily, to    finalize the topic. The topic which is liked by every member in your group should be finalized. Search about the technology details in week 3. Just find all  the required libraries, materials, packages, equipment, etc which you will require for finalized topic 

    Week 4: Prepare Proposal report for your topic. 

    Week 5: Gather all your requirements  such as libraries, materials, electronic equipment,etc.
    Week 6-7: Students should start coding in this week. GUI making of project should be given at-least 50%  of time. All the features of project should be implemented in week 7. Make sure GUI looks good, Remember that first impression will be last impression on Judges in competition 

    Week 8: Test your project after integrating your GUI and Features and make test cases accordingly 
and remove all the errors found in the project in this week.
    Week 9: Try to improve your project features if possible with help of an expert.
    Week 10: A Non-technical person should start preparing reports from week 8. In week 10 all team members should go through the report and suggest changes to Non-technical member if possible.

   Week 11: Make PowerPoint presentation and test your project finally for demonstration in-front of teachers.guides and in competitions.

    Week 12: Relax....

Every week should be from Monday to Saturday, Every Saturday you should meet your technical expert if possible. You should relax on Sunday. No project work should be done on Sunday. Every day after college, Team member should at least  meet for 35 minutes for discussion of status of project.

4. Technical Expert:
Find a Technical Expert which can help you in future to deal with your problems.

5.What Final Result should be:
You should try to make a working model of your project, making a prototype won't actually help you to win competitions. Avoid making prototypes of your project if possible.

After completing your project at-least try to participate in 3 state level competitions and take certificates of participation to show to your external project guide at time of final evaluation of your project. Certificates will represent that you tried somewhere in competition and will help you increase your marks. Participating in competition will also help you to know the people better that what they was expecting in your project.

One thing I noticed in competitions was that hardware/electronics project have 70% chances to win. But if your financial condition is not good or you have no interest in hardware/electronics project don't go for it. Software projects are good for startups. You can turn your project into a startup after completing your diploma.

If you want any guidance related to your projects, project reports or your daily life, you can DM me on Instagram, link is given below:-

Hope this post help you to avoid mistakes in your major project in future. 

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