
Showing posts with the label computer

All about Computer Programming (Beginner's Guide 2020)?

While learning your first language, you would be wondering, why I am learning it. What can I do with this blue screen(Turbo C++). Is there any future in printing "HELLO WORLD" as my first program. I was also thinking about all this question when I was typing my first C program and it was unable to run. I was unable to understand why I was learning it. But after 1 year I came to know why programming is important and why I should learn it.Programming has evolved a lot from past 2 decades.  I will be clearing some basic questions that teachers didn't clarified when teaching us programming. About me:     So I am SHANTANU JAIN and I am pursuing my diploma from Computer Engineering. I was a computer enthusiast from my childhood.  When I am not working on open source project, I am working as Freelancer. If you have any project for me to work on, I would be more than happy.  What is Programming:  Programming language is a Set of Instruction which produces vari...