BlackBook Reference for Major Project Diploma

 Most final-year students (third-year students especially) in Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education and other universities in India are required to submit 1-3 copies of a black book of your project report to your college/institute. Here’s how to write a great Blackbook for your final year project. Also find examples, templates, formats, and PDFs for Blackbook projects on various topics and for various disciplines (BMS, BBA, BMM, BFM, BCom, MBA, Engineering, and more.).

Some universities ask students to submit the Project Synopsis before submitting the final project. A project synopsis provides an overview of the entire project, such as its aims, objectives, and other important details.

Make sure you read the pro-tip in the blog.


Your final year Blackbook should have the appropriate format before it is submitted to the college.

A typical format includes a College certificate, Acknowledgement, Declaration, List of the figure, Table of Contents, and the project report.

Contents of Blackbook:











1.1 Motivation

1.2 Background

1.3 Need of The Project






3.1 Project objectives

3.2  Project Features

3.3  Project Cost (Overall Cost)



4.1 System Architecture

4.2 Detailed Description of Modules



 5.1 Hardware Software Requirements,

 5.2 DFD’s (0,1,2) level

 5.3 Use Case Diagrams

5.4 Activity diagram

5.5 Sequence Diagram   

5.6 ER Diagram

5.7 Timeline Chart

5.8 Implementation


5.8.1 Sample Code

5.8.2 Types of Testing

5.8.3 Test case


Results and applicatioN

6.1 ScreenShot

6.2 Results

6.3 Application


Conclusion and Future Scope


References and Bibliography


Paper Published

It should be of maximum one page and contain a short description of your project and technologies which are going to be used. 

It can be at least 2 pages and a brief description of the project. It has further subpoints such as the need for the project, motivation, etc.

Literature Survey:
At least 3 or more than 3 up to 5 papers should be researched and should be mentioned related to your project. It should be mentioned in the following format:

[paper_published_site] [publish_date] [Title_of_paper]
What the Paper states
Abstract of Research Paper

Scope of Project:
It can contain features of the project, what problems does your project solves, project cost.
For a Software project, your project cost is divided on the basis of features/technology you provide and working hours of a day

For eg:
A simple website that is created using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP within 60 days can be 
350/- * 60 = 21000/- (or more) including testing and deployment (here 350/- is considered as the lowest salary per day an of a highly paid intern or software developer should get.)
Extra charges can be applied in marketing and designing is done at its best
If your project is related to Artificial intelligence then its cost must be much higher than web/app development

Proposed Methodology:
It should contain how your system works. It should mainly contain the system architecture diagram.
It should contain the modules of your project
Example of modules:
For Software:
Android App(Like Amazon)
  • Sign-up window
  • Login window
  • Product displaying window
  • Search module
  • Payment Gateway
  • Delivery Page
  • Tracking order window, etc

For Hardware refer to the document attached at end of the blog

Detailed Design Process:
It should contain all Diagrams which you learned in Software Engineering
It should contain the types of testing you have done on your project such as unit testing, system testing, white-box testing, user testing, UI/UX testing, etc
It should contain at least 50 test cases for your project

Testing is the most effective part of any project, maybe software or hardware

It should contain screenshots/outputs of the project. 
Pro tip: Add the maximum number of output to increase the number of pages 😂

It should contain the application/use of the project.

Summarize the project and add the features that can be implemented in the future to your project.

References and Bibliography:
It contains the links, book names, and sources you used to make the report and your project.

Bonus Content:
Paper can be published on any of the sites such as:

Make sure that content in the paper is not copy-pasted, otherwise, your paper won't be selected to any of the websites. Write some meaningful paragraphs. Add images, graphs if possible. Do editing and formatting at their best. Every paper publishing site has different publishing charges. Every site has a different editing format. 
I published my paper on IRJET:
You can check my paper on the given link:

For editing and formatting:
  1. Use font 12px for content
  2. 12px Bold for the subheading
  3. 16px bold for the main heading
  4. 1.5 spacing
  5. Header Footers
  6. Justify alignment
  7. Figure number for each image in report in 12px bold

You can use the above material as refernce

If you want any help related to project or editing or any personal issue or any grievance in blog, contact me on Instagram @shantanujainx or mail me at or comment down below

Thanks for reading and share, please follow me on all social platforms.


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